Buying a Home Step 24: Attend a final walk-through

Attending a final walk-through before closing on a home purchase is an important step to ensure that the property is in the same condition as when you agreed to buy it. To make sure that everything goes smoothly, here are some tips and a checklist to follow:

  1. Schedule the Walk-Through: Schedule the walk-through a day or two before the closing so that there is enough time to address any issues that you may find. In Washington state, the walkthru can happen as many as 5 days prior to closing.

  2. Bring Your Agent: Bring your real estate agent with you to the walk-through, as they can assist you in identifying any issues and communicating with the seller's agent.

  3. Check the Condition of the Property: Check the condition of the property to ensure that it is in the same condition as when you agreed to buy it. Look for any damages, such as holes in the walls, leaks, or broken fixtures.

  4. Test Appliances and Systems: Test all appliances and systems to ensure that they are in working order, including the heating and cooling systems, plumbing, electrical, and security systems.

  5. Review Repairs: If the seller agreed to make any repairs, review them to ensure that they were completed satisfactorily.

  6. Check for Personal Belongings: Check for any personal belongings or debris that was left behind by the seller, and ensure that it is removed before closing.

  7. Document Issues: Document any issues that you find during the walk-through, and bring them to the attention of the seller's agent or attorney as soon as possible.

By following these tips and checklist, you can ensure that the property is in the condition you expected and avoid any surprises at closing.

Are you ready to begin the home-buying process? Whether your timeline is 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years, our team is here to help you every step of the way! Get started now by filling out our Ready To Buy Survey, and our team will reach out to schedule a call to discuss how we can support you on this path. 

Terra Wright Knudsen- Bainbridge Island Realtor